Media & Entertainment Projects using NUBIGON

NUBIGON’s cutting-edge visualization tools revolutionize visual storytelling in media, entertainment, and art. With innovative render modes and creative solutions, we empower filmmakers, documentarians, and artists to push the boundaries of creativity.

Films & Documentaries

Create stunning 3D visualizations for film and documentary projects with laser scanning, enhanced by NUBIGON’s signature render modes. Showcase captured sites in new and innovative ways, offering filmmakers and documentarians powerful tools for visual storytelling.

Royal Theatre of Madrid, Spain - WinWin Audiovisual

Art Installations

Unleash your creativity with NUBIGON’s advanced rendering solutions, transforming point cloud data into captivating visual experiences for artistic applications. Whether for galleries or public spaces, NUBIGON empowers artists to push the boundaries of digital art.

COSMOS, An immersive experience, Peru - DCMS Network

Are you curious to see more examples of how NUBIGON is deployed in media and entertainment?

Ready to showcase your laser scanning projects with NUBIGON?


Environmental & Forestry


Forensics & Safety